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Nature in it's glory

Nature in it's glory

Dec 29, 2012

Birding and nature discoveries 2012-1

It is amazing how fast 2012 flew by, and even more amazing how different every year is for me in the way of new bird sightings and other discoveries in nature.   I didn't realize how many new bird species I had added to my list until I went through my files in search of photos for this post.  My goodness, there are a lot of files, and while the photos are not always the best, it was difficult deciding which were the best sightings and experiences of 2012, because no matter what, every time I visit with nature I find both peace and joy.

So let me begin with just a few birds that were new to me this year.  Spring highlights:

Black throated Green Warbler
Black throated Green warbler 2
Blue-headed Vireo
Blue Headed Vireo 2

Conneticut Warbler



Rose breasted Grosbeak juv
Juv Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Summer highlights:

Summer delivered this beautiful Juvenile Rose-breasted Grosbeak  as well as many other delightful  and unexpected surprises, such as the two butterflies below.

White Admiral
Monarch butterfly

Mystery Beetle

I discovered this unidentified beetle at the height of summer.  It was the only one that I saw.

Cruiser at rest
Blue Cruiser

I also discovered if I moved very, very slowly I could capture some wonderful images of Dragonflies at rest.  These are just a couple of examples.  Summer delivered so many delights, there simply wasn't room in a single post, and fall was the busiest of all.  I hope you will visit to view the rest, coming up very soon.



1 comment:

  1. I will be back to view the rest! Nature is so wonderful and each time I visit it I learn something new.
