Pileated Woodpecker |
I love Woodpeckers and will often stop and just watch them quietly whenever I get the chance. The things that all Woodpeckers do naturally, provide, not only for their young, but for other wildlife species as well.
Northern Flicker |
Aside from ridding trees of a plague of insects, they also build homes which, when abandoned serve as homes for other birds and wildlife. Or when they dig deeply while mining for beetles, larvae and other bugs, the resulting hole may also become a home for another small bird or creature.
Nuthatch in an abandoned Woodpecker home |
Squirrel feasting on tree sap |
Some species of Woodpecker, such as the Yellow-bellied sapsucker also provide sustenance. When they bore their holes in a circular pattern around the trunk to glean the sap of a tree, the sap keeps flowing for some time after the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker has gone. This then becomes a source of food for other birds, such as the Hummingbird, as well as other wildlife.
Yellow bellied spapsucker |
Pileated Woodpecker and Blue Jay |
The Pileated Woodpecker not only digs insects out of the bark of live trees, but will also excavate fallen trees in various stages of decay, exposing nests of insects and grubs in the process. When he does, other creatures benefit. And they know it, as shown by the photo above, where not only one, but several Blue Jays waited as he let the wood chips fly.
Nice tribute to the woodpeckers. I watch them in the park here in NYC, where I've seen Downies, Red-bellieds, and Flickers. I always love to see them.