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Nature in it's glory

Nature in it's glory

May 11, 2012

Wings and more wings

New Growth

This week has been very hectic, however I did get in a few short and wonderful moments on bird watch.   At this time of year there are many more winged creatures about and the very air is filled with a renewal of  life and new possibilities.   This means that I love to be outside more than in, especially if  the surroundings are all natural. There were many more winged creatures to see than just birds.  So this week I thought I would give you a glimpse of  just a few that I came into contact with.

Eastern Phoebe
Front view
Eastern Phoebe with prey

This includes a lifer for me. An Eastern Phoebe, who was both beautiful and very cooperative.
Busy Bee #1
Busy Bee #2

There were lots of  very busy bees almost everywhere that I went.
Little Blue close up
Little Blue wont show his color
Question Mark
Mourning Cloak
An Admiral

Every where that I went Butterflies were flitting about, seeking their mates.  The Mourning Cloak was insistent on landing on my head.  If  it  wasn't  for the Budgie we had when I was a child, my first reflex  would  have been to swat  hard at what ever had landed on my head.  Lucky for the butterfly that I just gently brushed my hand across my hair, even though I had no idea what had landed there.

I came across the unidentified tiny little flier below in the little forest down the street, along with this lady bird.

Unidentified little flier
Lady Bird

The Yellow-rumped Warblers have just arrived in numbers.  The one presented here posed very sweetly for me.  There were Song sparrows and White-throated Sparrows, Tennesse Warblers and Orange Crowned warblers.  Alas they were not very cooperative this week.  However, the shy little Merlin below was perched on a tree near the bus stop on my way to work.  I caught him on the fly, just seconds before he took off and the bus arrived.

Looking up

Yellow-rumped Warlber handing on
Showing his yellow rump



1 comment:

  1. I just love winged things (excluding air planes of course) and this is a great collection of them Susan!
