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Nature in it's glory

Nature in it's glory

Apr 30, 2012

An observation of spring

In the absence of bird sightings, I have been busy recording the changes to trees and bushes, as spring slowly, but surely creeps in. The diverse ways that trees come back from winter slumber is absolutely amazing. The following pictures show only a few of the gorgeous ways that trees begin to re-dress themselves in spring.

Whispy tassels
Tiny red blooms
Crowning leaves
Tiny fan
Delicate leaves
Red tassels
Soft and fluffy
Vibrant colors

The beauty of the new growth on the various trees and shrubbery in the forest, and around the neighborhood has only whetted my appetite however. I can hardly wait to start seeing the wildflowers and flowers as they begin to bloom.



  1. Susan, a most beautiful post filled with stunning images! I love the theme you have chosen. Excellent detailed images of tree blooms. So very delicate and lovely.

  2. These are lovely Susan and make me feel like I am sharing your "spring".
