A Field of Oats |
A recent visit to the edge of the south side of the city, took me through a field of oats, got me muddy to the ankle, soaked to the waist, and attacked by innumerable insects of the biting persuasion. Yet I went home happy as a clam, because it was all worth it from my point of view. I discovered that a field such as this, hides much more of nature than it shows, if you will just venture to explore.
There are small pot-hole sized ponds throughout this field for instance. These are surrounded in turn by bushes and small trees, which shelter many song birds with a preference for low bush and/or marshy areas for habitat, such as Meadowlarks and Clay-colored sparrows.
Meadowlark |
A prairie pot-hole |
Shore-bird foraging for food |
These small bodies of water also attract Ducks, Geese, Sora and Herons. You can hear frogs singing way before you reach the pot-hole they have chosen for their home. During migration many other species of birds make use of these pot-hole ponds to rest and refresh. Like the as yet unidentified shore bird in this photo just above.
Cherry-faced dragonfly |
Butterfly skimming the top of the field |
Blue Damselfly |
A variety of Butterflies, Dragonflies, Damselflies and crickets also inhabit this field of oats.
Track of a mammal next to my footprint |
There were tracks everywhere, most likely fox or coyote, and Deer tracks as well. The pot-holes shrink and expand, depending on the amount of rainfall. The wildlife which is most dependent on water will shift, if needed, to another pot-hole with more water. The frogs did so earlier this year, when there was little rain, and I noticed that the tracks follow where the biggest concentration of wildlife is within the field. Recent rains have, in turn created pot-holes where there were none before.
Pink wildflower |
Yellow wildflower |
In between the rows of neatly planted oats, I discovered these two jewels.
But that is not all to discover. The most visible creature to be seen, soared above the field.
Swainson's Hawk |
Swainson's Hawk Soars |
Swainson's |
A predator and a beauty, the Swainson's Hawk, who never fails to make a showing when I visit here. I have also seen Red-Tailed Hawks, Northern Harrier's and Merlins here. Every time I visit, I discover something new and I always wonder what I will see next. I can't wait to go back.
I can see why you can't wait to go back Susan, what an abundance of wildlife you found!