Typically January and February are the coldest months of the year here in Alberta, however, we have had unusually warm and
sunny weather
recently, which made me a very happy camper indeed. In fact, I couldn't wait to get out and go for a walk. However, this is also the time of year, when it is dark when I leave for work and dark again when I return, and I for one do not find walking in the dark to be much fun, since there is so little to see. Because of this, I was praying that the weather would hold until my day off. Which it did, although I waited until late afternoon, in hopes of going out in sunshine, since that is when the sun had been coming out and sunlight makes for better photos. However it was the insistent call of a Raven coming through my kitchen window that got me moving, not the sun's shine.
Flock of Bohemian Waxwings