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Nature in it's glory

Nature in it's glory

Sep 28, 2012

Fall colors and a Red Flicker

Fall colors seem particularly fine this year and I can't seem to resist capturing them under brilliant light.

This lovely bush is a-fire
Dogwood leaves turning ruby red
Wild cranberry taking on multi-coloured hues

What I didn't expect to see again, is this Red shafted Northern Flicker.  He blends right in with the fall colors, don't you think?  If he were perched in the cranberry bush I probably wouldn't see him.

Here he is giving me a view of his brilliant red tail.

Then he posed for just a second, before taking flight and graciously showing me his beautiful wings.

Red shafted flicker in flight
Going up

He didn't stay long.  The whole encounter lasted maybe three minutes.  I loved every second.

Going down and out of sight

He seemed to wave good bye as he left. If you wish a closer look, just click on the photos to get a larger version.



1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post Susan. Colors are changing here and the air is cooler, refreshing after the heat we had this summer!
