Pine Siskin |
Tuesday night we had a very stormy night, with strong winds, lots of thunder and lighting, and tons of rain. Normally a good storm has the power to put me to sleep instantly, if I'm not at the window watching the lightning show, that is. Only this time that didn't happen. A couple of times, as I was trying to sleep, I heard birds calling, which is very unusual. So I made up my mind to head out early, to see what the weather had delivered up.
American Goldfinch and Pine Siskin |
American Goldfinch |
Early morning found me heading out the door dressed in my oldest jeans and shoes, and very much encouraged by the birdsong all around. The very first birds I saw was a flock of Pine Siskin at the top of a tall pine, a lifer for me. Not soon after, and only because he seemed to be flying with the Siskins, I spotted my very first American Gold finch.
Orange crowned warbler |
Yellow- rumped warbler |
I also saw, and was delighted by the Orange crowned warblers, Yellow-rumped warbler, and Oven-bird.
I had placed myself just under the branches of a tree, next to some low bush. Here I tried not to do much more than move my arms to work the camera, so I wouldn't cause the birds to fly off into another part of the forest. This is a strategy that works for me more often than not, if I really want to capture some images of wildlife or birds, since I shoot hand-held and the range on my lens isn't great.
Oven bird |
Bell's Vireo-a lifer |
I was soon literally surrounded by birds, and for a while I wasn't sure where to point my camera. But once over my initial excitement and delight, I concentrated on capturing as many birds on camera as I could. I was both relaxed and enjoying my self immensely. Time seemed to stand still, like it always does when I'm out visiting with nature.
It wasn't long however, before I realized that although some of the birds I was seeing seemed familiar, there was something about them that was different. Since I wasn't certain and wouldn't be until I had a closer look at
my photos later, I dismissed the thought. So I really had no idea that I already had more than two new
lifers on my memory card.
Cape-May warbler female-another lifer |
The real excitement came when I caught sight of a large bird, that I just knew I had never seen or even heard of before. A new discovery. This is the point during my bird watching where I really start to look forward to doing some serious research, something that I truly enjoy doing in a case like this.
Philadelphia Vireo-my first |
Canada Warbler 1- another first |
Canada Warbler 2 |
What was the fuss all about you ask? It took several hours, but I finally found her, and not on-line where expected, but in one of my bird books. The bird you see below is either a female or juvenile Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Although a part of me insists she is female. She is larger than the Pine-Grosbeak I discovered last year. When I began my search, I really had no true idea where to start, due to her size. It was only the shape of her bill that gave me a starting point.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak female or juvenile |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
But the very best part of bird watching for me, is the joy of discovery and learning, with the occasional bit of mystery thrown in the mix. I will never get tired of it.
Enjoy, Susan
Susan, how terrific to see so many lifers in one day! Big, big congrats!