Snow and more snow coming |
I have never seen spring arriving this late and I have a serious case of cabin fever. It isn't helping that I have been very busy with work and other projects, that prevented me from going out. Now, as I'm writing this, there is more snow coming down from the skies. With more of the same forecast for tomorrow, and here we are nearing the end of April.
At one time, years ago, it used to be that spring arrived in March and in odd years we would get a freak snowfall late in April,but the snow would be gone as fast as it arrived. People are not dealing well with the changing weather patterns either. Many are cranky or seriously depressed, with some getting downright rude.
The butterflies that had emerged a little more than a week ago, have gone back into hiding. The migrating birds, with the exception of Robins, seem to be arriving late as well. Dark-eyed Juncos, for example returned late in March instead of February. Resident birds, such as Blue Jays and Magpies however are acting as if nothing unusual is occuring and are going ahead with courtship and nesting.
With the cabin fever making me seriously restless, I had to get out of the house and make contact with nature.
The first thing I noticed was that the wind was picking up, but as I walked throught he forest with the icy crust of snow crunching loudly under my feet, I noticed more signs that spring is most definitely on its way.
There were not many birds to see, but I could hear them loudly and cheerfully all around me.
Nuthatch, Chickadee, Dark-eyed Junco, Downy woodpeckers and Northern Flicker all well hidden in the tree tops. The Bohemian waxwings are still around and flocking all over the neighborhood and the Crows are everywhere. The fact that the Crows have stayed encourages me, as they would not stay in the city if the weather was to turn seriously nasty.
The highlights of my outing were the sighting of a gorgeous, and ever cheerful, Golden-crowned Kinglet and a Golden Eagle flying by high above the forest. I am feeling somewhat more cheerful,even though the cold weather wore me out. There is nothing like birdwatching and a long walk in the forest to make me feel better.
Golden Crowned Kinglet |
Golden Crowned Kinglet hiding |
Golden Eagle |
Gold Eagle |
I just hope the weather warms up in the next couple of weeks before the the migrating birds arrive in significant numbers, most especially the Hummingbirds, if they arrive at the usual time.